It seems like we just turned over the calendar to January of 2008! When you go day to day, it doesn’t seem like a lot has happened but here’s a quick year in review!
JanuaryWe had our yearly snow!

I made a quick trip to Oregon to see my dad for his birthday and also got to see my brothers and sister! LaDonna and I always travel together! Here’s Mick and Mary with Beth and her new little Zack and Marella with her new little Conrad.

Not much out of the ordinary happened in February. We did enjoy a nice Valentine’s dinner and activity at the church. The next weekend, I helped with the African American Family History Workshop we had at a local community college. Seminary and work kept me plenty busy!
MarchIn March during Michael’s spring break he had an educators conference that he went to in Nashville so I took off three days and went with him. It was at a resort next door to the Grand Old Opry. They didn’t have any shows going on while we were there but I tried to unwind and relax. The resort was really nice but they even charged their guests $17 a day for parking in their parking lot and also a resort fee to have cable, a paper and two bottles of water whether you wanted it or not! I’m glad we didn’t have to pay! It had three big indoor atriums with many waterfalls and lots of lush plant life. I really enjoyed walking about the flowers and trails.
Here are some views from the atrium:
April Our big event from April was going to Utah for Adam’s BYU graduation with a degree in Electrical Engineering. We had a quick trip and it was verrrrrrry cold! We had fun with Adam and Caprise and Todd and Amanda. We stayed with Adam and Caprise and played some fun games in the evenings. Adam did real good marching and smiling! I couldn’t believe it was snowing on Thursday during commencement. It didn’t stick but I guess I’m a southern girl because I did not come prepared for that. In fact we took jackets at the last minute since it’s been in the 80s here.

We got back in time to help Sydney celebrate big #3! She loves being a princess and here she is in her Belle dress her Grandma Fuller made her. Her favorite gift was from Uncle Ryan – “glass” slippers!”

After nine years of teaching early morning seminary, May of this year found me without my favorite calling of all! I kept saying I was dis-appointed from teaching seminary. Here is almost all of my final class on their way to an LDS prom! What a great group of youth!

Michael and I made some raised beds the fall before for a strawberry crop. It paid off with a bumper crop of 28 gallons of berries and beautiful plants. We had added to this with some more raised beds and other berries in the hopes of great fruit to come in 2009!

We made a fun quick trip to Buena Vista, VA to attend the Southern Virginia Education Conference with some friends. This is our third conference and we just love this get away.
Our biggest event in the year, happened at the very end of June when Todd, our youngest married Amanda Lundy. What a great new daughter-in-law and family to add to ours. They were married June 28, 2008 in the Columbia Temple.

Of course, there was a reception that followed!

Then there were the grandchildren!