With the warm winter and early spring, we set things out much earlier than normal. Here's a bed of cabbage that is growing phenomenal.
Our upper garden has all of our early plants and they are growing fast and look so dark green. Our new strawberry plants have come to life and are blooming.
We set out broccoli out the first of March and as of last week started eating it! They have dark green wonderful heads.
On Monday, we planted two beds of our tomatoes. I started several varieties of heirloom. These varieties are Watermelon tomatoes, Cindy's West Virginia, Arkansas Traveler and Beefy boy.
I started the tomato seeds the first of February. After they got to a certain point, I put them in the tubes to get nutrients. These are some Cherokee Purple tomatoes that we are going to put in one more bed. I actually saved these seeds from last summer! I wasn't sure how they would do so I planted a lot of them and they all came up! I hope to do more seed saving this year.
Peppers can actually be perennials and so last August we dug this pepper plant up and put it in a pot to winter over in the greenhouse. We had a big batch of banana peppers in November and it has begun to bloom and set more peppers!
The first of March I decided to try to have early squash since it was so mild. So we started these in pots and they are about to bloom. I'm not sure how good they will do in pots but who knows, maybe we will have squash in April!