I just got back from Time Out for Women in Atlanta! What a fabulous way to spend a Friday night and Saturday!

This was made possible by the generosity of Rachel to make sure sisters she loved got to have this wonderful experience. Beth flew out from BYU to spend the weekend with us as well. Dave could not resist coming down Friday afternoon to see Beth.

We met up with Rachel and her car full of gals plus Beth at La Madeline's a French restaurant. It was great food!

We had a lot of love and laughter throughout the weekend!

Unfortunately, we got caught up in the horrendous Atlanta traffic which took us 1 1/2 hours to get to the convention center for the evening's performance. We were there to enjoy Michael McLean and Amanda Dickson's humor.

Amanda Dickson is a gal who is on the radio in Salt Lake City. She has a sister living in Greer, SC that Rachel knows from teaching seminary. Rachel got to meet her to talk about her sister! Rachael had a special evening planned after Friday night with letters of affirmation to each of us written by someone who loves us! It was a very spiritual evening full of love.

We heard from many fabulous, faith filled women. This woman is from Sierra Leon and her story is incredible and full of faith.

Here we all are at the end of the day: Ruby Timmons, Tracy Terry, Lynn Hansen, Terry Luc, Der Lor, Beth Venus, Rebecca Isham, Linda Harper and Erin Luc. In front are Paula VanValkenburg, Rachel Venus, Christina Eichhorn, and Melissa Anderson.