It's been a while since I blogged about our garden. It survived us being gone thanks to Ryan and Mother Earth watering it! I went out to pick this morning and here's the harvest of the day! We have both green beans and yellow wax beans. I have some winter squash that the vines are dying out so I've been bring them inside when the plants can no longer help it grow. I hope they are ripe enough!

It's hard to see, but our grapes are loaded and just about ready to harvest. We are trying to keep the water to them. Unfortunately, we've had enough rain that our peaches rotted on the trees before they ripened. We only got about two big bowl fulls of peaches from our little orchard. We do have some apples and pears that I hope will produce later this fall.

Here's a close up of our grape vine. We have two other smaller ones that Michael has built an arbor for and we hope to put out some more this fall of various varieties.

This is a view of the lower part of the garden. The tomato plants are taller than I am. I've staked them up as high as I can! The yellow wax beans are in a bed beside them.

This is a raised bed view showing our corn that is forming ears and the green beans beside it. Right in front is our eggplant that have little ones on them and the peppers beside them.

Our sweet potatoes have been growing like crazy and going all over the sides of the bed. I hope there are sweet potatoes down in the soil. We should be able to harvest them the first part of September.

Our fig tree is still growing well and the figs are getting bigger and bigger. Hopefully we will have a few to eat on this fall.