Monday, January 10, 2011


Here are pictures from our house on the heaviest snow in years!

It was a good day to stay home and stay dry.

I had to work since I work from home but still life has slowed down!

I made chili for dinner and it hit the spot.

It's only about 27 but we are starting to get some freezing rain on top of all of this snow that could lead to black ice on the roads!


  1. A winter wonderland! I guess Michael got his snow day!

  2. Beautiful! Wish we could get some... I would love to had life slow down for a day. Boo to the freezing rain.... yay to being inside warm with yummy food!

  3. I'm glad you're enjoying it. Wish we could work from home, too... snow drives me crazy here because they don't plow the roads like they do in Utah.
