Our annual Christmas Eve Family Home Evening was complete this year with everyone home. Six of the eight grandchildren acted out the Christmas Story as part of our evening.
Merry Christmas to all of you!
Here is how:
You thaw the turkey.
Pressure can it whole for about an hour.
Let the canner cool and get out the turkey and debone it.
Fill the jars with turkey and use the broth for the liquid.
Add 1/2 t. salt for each jar.
Boil the lids and screw on the lids. Can for 75 minutes for pints of 90
minutes for quarts. Walla, you have canned turkey.
I had cooked up a bunch of collards from the garden on Saturday so I decided
to can those as well.
I love canning and seeing the fruits of the labor. I think it's beautiful.
Michael used his geometry to figure out how much from each bag of vermiculite and peat moss we needed to mix the soil. My job was to bring the buckets of mushroom compost from the truck to the wheelbarrow where Michael would mix it all.
After I wet down the beds, I went and got some strawberry runners to transplant.