One of my favorite scriptures in the Doctrine and Covenants is this one:
D&C 64:34 Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind; and the willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land of Zion in these last days.
The wonderful thing about reading and studying scriptures is that you can read them one time and get an understanding and then another time get a new understanding. I think it's based on what you are dealing with in your life at a particular time and what you need to learn through the scriptures.
Sunday in Gospel Doctrine we read that scripture. Our teacher, Rebecca, made a comment on this scripture that I had never thought of before. We were talking about the pioneers colonizing the west and how obedient they were.
She said that when she read this scripture and she realized that if we were obedient to the counsel of the Prophet regarding preparedness, we would eat well in the last days! She said that she is happy to learn that chocolate can be stored and is part of food storage!
I had never used or thought of this scripture as food storage and preparedness but she has a point! Luckily I will teach a class this week (and she's coming) on apples and making applesauce and apple pie filling (other good things to eat well)!
I ♥ the scriptures, and that's a good one. My mama has apples coming out her ears! Too bad she's all the way in Utah and can't come to your class.