Our Nectarine plant is in full bloom. I really trimmed it during the winter so I'm hopeful for some good fruit!

Behind it, you can see some of our five peach trees about to burst open. If we can get through the next couple of weeks without a cold snap. . . we should be setting fruit!
Our strawberries are really coming out and I've seen a couple of blossoms.
Our cane berries are also coming to life. I can't wait for more raspberries and blackberries.
Michael tested out his project to get water to the garden. Here is one of the spigots.

Here's the pipe in the trench going back to the greenhouse.

Here's where the water pipes meet on the other side of the greenhouse.

And then going up to the other end of the new part where we hope to build more beds. It will be so wonderful to have water close by and not have to drag the hose all over the yard!
Can I move in? I promise to help with the gardening and stuff...